Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Folk og Folk Shoes on Pitti Uomo in January
please find all from Folk and Folk Shoes winter 2011 collections at Pitti Uomo in Florence in January.
season greetings!
Monday, 1 November 2010
Genius Copenhagen and Blue Blood part
For many years Blue Blood has been an important part of the profile of Genius Copenhagen’s showroom.
We have always been very proud to present the collection to both press and buyers – however due to a big loss in Blue Blood profit after the last difficult seasons of late or default Blue Blood deliveries sadly the time has come where we have to go our separate ways.
This also marks the beginning of a new era and business structure for Genius Copenhagen that will make us more flexible and interesting as business partners for brands and buyers.
We will continue all brands as before – see www.genius-copenhagen.dk for update on brand portfolio.
News of contract signed by Genius Copenhagen and one of the worlds biggest brands coming later.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
the biggest news in mens underwear in a long long time...

Cirque Deluxe, the new mens underwear brand by Anders Arnborger who "invented" Björn Borg underwear, will change the underwear business again!
"we look at men in life styles opposed to age groups and have created a selection of mens underwear styles that comply with every mans need"
We are happy to announce that Cirque Deluxe underwear will be a part of Genius Copenhagens brand portfolio from june 2010.
Please contact Martin Møller for further info.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Volta Footwear
Established in Milan in fall 2007, Volta is aimed at creating and marketing “instant classics”.
Volta Footwear is the first Volta brand-project, launched europe-wide at the beginning of 2008.
Taking inspiration from the “classics” of footwear, we created a comfortable hybrid between sneakers and boots, designed and crafted to become part of our daily life.
One-style-only, unisex, affordable, Volta Footwear was born to be an instant classic.
When planning to make a new innovative footwear brand, we understood we had to look back into history rather than try to predict the future. When it comes to classics, you can only learn.
Then the challenge was to redefine and actualize classic standards based on people’s needs nowadays.
Our passion helped us to work hard and to achieve the mission, and it still does. We continue to work hard and fulfill our costumers wishes.
Volta Footwear is now turning 2 years old, it is available in 200 selected stores worldwide and has been featured in several national and international magazines and websites.
see also highsnobietys.com post on volta footwear for AW2010 here
Monday, 7 June 2010
Schiesser Revival
The collection conveys a truly unique fashion statement in combining traditional values, quality and pioneering modernism. The women's and men's collections embrace zeitgeist and smartness in both the styles and superb colours selected for this exquisite range.
Alongside cult classics, the new spring/summer product line also includes casual and various high-fashion outerwear styles featuring exclusive piece-dyed or garment-washed traditional rib and jersey fabrics.
And, Schiesser Revival has taken things a step further: sweaters and cardigans made of premium-quality cashmere, cotton with cashmere touch and linen for men and women.
The special knitting technique imitating double rib and tricot mesh fabric creates magnificent structures that capture the essence of Schiesser Revival – an expression of traditional craftsmanship
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all products are delivered in authentic boxes |
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Beautiful original artwork from the archives. |
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here and below best-selling products for men and ladies |
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Joop plans to invest in Schiesser
Wolfgang Joop plans to invest in Schiesser - planned IPO
Radolfzell, 31 May 2010 The internationally renowned fashion designer Wolfgang Joop intends to acquire a share in Schiesser and to advise the company on strategy, marketing, design and visual appearance.
Wolfgang Joop said: "I am enthusiastic about Schiesser, especially about the power of the people, the culture and the brand of the company. I look very much forward to working with Schiesser."
Volker Grub said: "Joining forces with Wolfgang Joop is one of the preferred solutions. We expect a significant contribution by Wolfgang Joop to strengthen and to profile the brand in its attractiveness. Beyond, Wolfgang Joop can also give important impetus in design and market presence of Schiesser.”
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Folk' Cathal McAteer på GQ top 100 most important in british fashion
det er på meget kort tid at Cathal har opnået den fine anerkendelse fra den britiske mode-industri. Folk blev grundlagt i 2001 og resten er historie som man siger. Se mere om Folk og Folk shoes her på bloggen eller på http://www.folkclothing.com
Telegram Stop | Send a Traditional Classic Telegram the Easy Way
Du er begyndt at tage toget og bussen i stedet for at køre i bil og du skriver også breve nu fremfor mails på din Blackberry?
Følg dette link og send et telegram til den særlige invitation eller bedre endnu inviter til middag hjemme hos dig selv - en risotto med asparges er dejligt lige nu!
Det er smart....vi bruger det selv!
Telegram Stop | Send a Traditional Classic Telegram the Easy Way
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Preview - Blue Blood Spring 2011 moodboard and themes
en gylden tid i 60'erne mener mange. Store stjerner funklede og en del beklædning som vi stadig finder ikoniske er mere interessante end nogensinde før. En del af vores favoritter kan findes her og vi ved godt at en del eksisterede inden 60'erne men det er versionerne fra nyere tid der fungerer for os!
: chambray-skjorte : college-jakke : straight leg selvedge jeans : bikerjakke : crew neck t-shirt :
Vi kan lide det!
Blue Blood laver ikke 1:1 replicas men som vanligt med det lille extra som gør den relevant i dag. Temaerne herunder er ment som inspiration for den kommende kollektion og for at du kan tænke store tanker. Se kollektionen i vores showroom til august eller i Berlin på Bread&Butter i Juli.
Nedenstående er uddrag fra creative director Steve Te Pas kollektions-beskrivelse:
We now make denims in Turkey where we stitch and wash but we also stitch in Turkey and wash in Italy with Martelli.
The Japanese mill where they make for RRL, we stitch and wash jeans just 3 pieces, but drop dead in a class of its own. We will have one jean with a price tag of RRP 750/800 in a limited edition of 100 pieces only.
The whole design of the denims changed for SS11 and these changes is also used for the AW10 production, we will start producing this in the same factories in Turkey and Italy mentioned above.
In 5 pockets:
- The Ziggy is reinstalled in its original tight fit, the Steve Fat Slim, Steve and The Reed is back to where they should be.
- a new fit the Morgan, a cool fitting loose jean.
- Detail wise changed a lot,
- more interesting, like different shaped and positioned 5th pockets on almost all the jeans
- back pocket shapes in great variations,
- 1 mini lobster rivet on each jean.
- Leather patches made in yellow, red, blue patches.
- the big black leather patch offered in 9 SKU’s in total, now in super thin leather,
- we added jeans with 2 patches, one on the waistband and one on the pocket.
In the constructed denims you see the biggest changes:
- All styles have Japanese city names: Tokyo, Okayama, Nagasaki, Shonam, Osaka.
- All the fits are compared to the 5 pockets in blocks. Tokyo is the constructed version of the Reed, etc.
- These jeans look as fresh as the first constructed denims looked at the time we introduced them.
- amazing details in pocket shapes,
- hidden details,
- darts instead of back yoke on some denims
- inside pockets,
- tailored backs and diagonal loops, etc.
- from Skinny straight constructed to bigger fitted jeans with all the bells and whistles.
- BB gave you the Fat selvedge jean, now I made a back selvedge jean, also something never seen before.
Round up:
70 % will be stitched and washed in Turkey and 28% stitched in Turkey and washed in Italy and 2% Made in Japan.
Tailoring, leathers, knitwear, collection:
We have found a great tailoring factory in the North of China, owned by an Italian.

Thursday, 29 April 2010
TST Footwear

TST Profile
TST Footwear is the product of continuous research by esteemed footwear designer Seishi Tanaka. His shoes are made from premium leathers and incorporate the pure essence of Japanese manufacturing and design techniques.
'Tanaka' has worked with leading basketball companies designing technical footwear and more recently collaborated with famous aspirational brands of the highest level such as Comme des Garcons and Helmut Lang.
Seishi Tanaka always designs on paper and the line drawn by hand becomes the shape and design of the shoe. His inspiration comes from life experiences and his technical knowledge of shoemaking.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Blue Blood
Blue Blood is inspired by old heritage, skill and craftsmanship but with a modern outlook and strong personality. Known by its high quality and remarkable garments with character.
Blue Blood’s motto is “for our friends”: This is the driving thought behind the brand.
The lobster is the Blue Blood mascot because lobsters like denim-heads have blue blood.
The name also refers to Heritage and Aristocracy and boldly claim lineage to great names in fashion and denim.
Blue Blood is love of denim and its history; a tribute to those that inspire and those that came before.